Tag Archive for: Language

Mini Lesson: Hungarian Phrases of Natural Conversation – Conversational Connectors

So you have already learned a great deal of Hungarian vocabulary, know a few basic phrases, and already had actual interactions in Hungarian. You can order your drinks, say “hello”, “thanks” and “bye” at the supermarket, and even answer a question or two which you have learned by heart (“Kicsit vagy nagyot?”, “Készpénzzel vagy kártyával?”). […]

Most Important Hungarian Verbs

The 10 Most Important Hungarian Verbs (and how to Use them!)

  “Where do I start learning Hungarian vocabulary? Which Hungarian words should I learn first? Literally every Hungarian-learner asks themselves this question at least once – and rightly so. The amount of words in every new language is overwhelming and it seems like each and every app, teacher and course has a different approach and […]

Learn Hungarian

35 Good Reasons You Should Bother Learning Hungarian

Learning Hungarian is an emotional rollercoaster and a love-hate relationship for many. Its peculiarity is a curse and a blessing at the same time and between all the suffixes, the vocal harmony and a vocabulary that sounds and looks extraterrestrial you might find yourself asking: “Why the hell am I doing this?!”. Ask no more. […]

Mini-Lesson: 505 International Words in the Hungarian Language

“Hungarian words have no connection with any language whatsoever.”   “There are absolutely no familiar words in Hungarian. The words simply don’t make any sense to my brain!”   Sounds familiar? These are sentences we frequently hear from our readers and fellow-Hungarian learners. And indeed, Hungarian words can look weird, long and impenetrable at first. […]

Hungarian Present Tense

Mini Hungarian Lesson: Learn the Hungarian Present Tense (in 30 Minutes)

The Hungarian present tense is easier than you may think. In this mini lesson you will learn the grammar rules and the concepts in about 30 minutes. We break it down for you and show you everything you need (including many examples and memory hooks) for a quick learning experience.     While the Hungarian […]

hungarian meg

Mini Hungarian Lesson: Everything You Need to Know about “Meg”

The Hungarian “meg” is an awesome little word and prefix and is kind of ubiquitous in the Hungarian language. It doesn’t mean a lot by itself, but it shapes the meaning of multiple Hungarian words and sentences. “Meg” is hard to grasp and often difficult to explain. Still, it’s something you’ll definitely encounter while learning […]


23 Awesome Hungarian Words that Don’t Exist in English

If we had to name reasons to adore and learn Hungarian, its subtle descriptions and refined distinctions for the simplest things would definitely be high on our list. The language sometimes throws words at you for situations, personal traits and actions you weren’t even consciously aware of so far. At other times, you’ll realise that […]

Learn Hungarian Passively

Learn Hungarian Passively: 8 Ways to integrate Hungarian into your Everyday-Life

There are various excuses to not learn Hungarian right now, since this thing called life is happening constantly to all of us and finding the “right” time and mindset is a task which often proves to be challenging to impossible. And the world is such a distracting place anyways.   Luckily, there are some awesome […]

Hungarian Numbers

Learn the Hungarian Numbers in 9 Easy Steps (with Pronunciation)

Learning the Hungarian numbers is a crucial part of getting around in any language. Numbers are omnipresent – we use them during every payment process or when indicating anything that’s quantifiable – our age, the date, the current time, etc. This article is for you if you’re looking for a comprehensible, quick and applicable way of […]

Hungarian Alphabet Cheat Sheet

Learn the Hungarian Alphabet in 4 Easy Steps (with Pronunciation)

Let us get this straight: The Hungarian alphabet is EASY!   It’s way easier than the English one and also a lot more useful. You read this right. Yes, it has 40 letters (to be perfectly correct it’s 44, but we don’t really ever use “Q”, “W”, “X” and “Y”. Only in foreign words. You’ll […]