
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Neked írom a dalt, neked énekelek.

For-you write-it-I the song(acc.), for-you sing-I.

I write my songs for you and I’m singing to you.  – Excerpt from famous Hungarian song with the same title (“Neked írom a dalt”) by Presser Gábor. You can listen to it here (with lyrics). It’s beautiful.😊


Szeretem ezt a dalt; énekeljük el még egyszer!

Like-it-I this(acc.) the song(acc.); sing-it-we(imp.) away once again!

I like this song; let’s sing it one more time!


Related terms:

dallam – melody

énekel – to sing

hangszer – instrument

koncert – concert

kórus – choir

muzsika – music (old word, rarely in use)

ritmus – rhythm

szám – song (synonym, mostly used for contemporary music)

ütem – cadence, beat

zene – music

zenél – to make music



Pronunciation of today’s word:

dal – song


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Neked írom a dalt, neked énekelek.

For-you write-it-I the song(acc.), for-you sing-I.

I write my songs for you and I’m singing to you.  – Excerpt from famous Hungarian song with the same title (“Neked írom a dalt”) by Presser Gábor. You can listen to it here (with lyrics). It’s beautiful.😊


Szeretem ezt a dalt; énekeljük el még egyszer!

Like-it-I this(acc.) the song(acc.); sing-it-we(imp.) away once again!

I like this song; let’s sing it one more time!



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

dallam – melody


énekel – to sing


hangszer – instrument


koncert – concert


kórus – choir


muzsika – music (old word, rarely in use)


ritmus – rhythm


szám – song (synonym, mostly used for contemporary music)


ütem – cadence, beat


zene – music


zenél – to make music



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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