earth, soil, ground
Example sentences:
Egyre több ember él a földön.
More-and-more human live the earth-on.
The are more and more people living on earth.
Még nedves a virágok földje, úgyhogy nem kell locsolni.
Still humid the flowers’s soil, so-that not need to-water,
The soil of the flowers is still wet so there’s no need to water them.
Leesett a földre a telefonom és összetört a kijelzője.
Down-fell the ground-onto the phone-my and together-broke the display-its.
My phone fell on the ground and its display broke.
Related terms:
bolygó – planet
földönkívüli – alien, extraterrestrial
földrész / kontinens – continent
kerek – round
népesség – population
univerzum – universe
űr – space
világ – world
soil & ground
ás – to dig
barna – brown
földréteg – stratum
gyökér – root
nedves – humid, wet
padló – another word for ground, but only in buildings (the ground of a flat or a house or a room)
plafon – roof
száraz – dry
temet – to bury
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!
“Padló” is ‘floor’, not the ‘ground’ of a flat or a house or a room. Ground is only outside.
Szia Steven, thank you for your comment. As a native speaker I have to disagree here – we also use “föld” for the “ground” of a flat, not only for outside. “Leesett a földre.” (It fell to the ground) for example can be both in- and outside.
All the best,