Kér (valamit)
to ask (for sth.), used for please (see example sentences)
Example sentences:
Kérlek hagyj békén.
I-ask-you leave-you(imp.) in-peace.
I ask you to leave me alone. (Ie. Please leave me alone.)
Kérem a chipset.
Ask-I-it the chips(acc.).
~Please give me the chips./Can you pass me the chips? (“I ask for the chips.”)
Related terms:
ad – to give
akar – to want
kérés – plea, request
kíván – to wish
kívánság – wish (n.)
követel – to demand
követelés – demand (n.)
teljesít – to fullfil
udvarias – polite
udvariatlan – impolite
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
I-ask-you leave-you(imp.) in-peace.
I ask you to leave me alone. (Ie. Please leave me alone.)
Ask-I-it the chips(acc.).
~Please give me the chips./Can you pass me the chips? (“I ask for the chips.”)
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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The second example sentence made me laugh. I thought someone wanted computer hardware! 😀