
OHWAD-Basic words





to wish


Example sentences:

Boldog új évet kívánok!

Happy new year(acc.) wish-I-you!

I wish you a happy new year.


Azt kívánom karácsonyra, hogy minden ember legyen boldog.

That(acc.) wish-it-I Christmas-for, that every human shall-be happy.

My wish for Christmas is for every human being to be happy.


Related terms:

akar – to want

álom – dream

kívánság – wish (n.)

követel – to demand

megkíván – to suddenly desire (e.g. a piece of chocolate that’s in front of you)

óhajt – to wish (archaic/used ironically)

vágy – desire (n.)

vágyálom – wishful dream

vágyik – to desire


Not to be confused with:

kivan – to feel exhausted, to have had enough

kíváncsi – curious



Pronunciation of today’s word:

kíván – to wish



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Boldog új évet kívánok!

Happy new year(acc.) wish-I-you!

I wish you a happy new year.


Azt kívánom karácsonyra, hogy minden ember legyen boldog.

That(acc.) wish-it-I Christmas-for, that every human shall-be happy.

My wish for Christmas is for every human being to be happy.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

akar – to want


álom – dream


kívánság – wish (n.)


követel – to demand


megkíván – to suddenly desire (e.g. a piece of chocolate that’s in front of you)


óhajt – to wish (archaic/used ironically)


vágy – desire (n.)


vágyálom – wishful dream


vágyik – to desire


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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