
OHWAD-Basic words





to hinder, to restrict, to limit


Example sentences:

A világjárvány sajnos korlátozza a mindennapjaimat.

The pandemic unfortunately restricts-it the everyday-life-mine(acc.).

The pandemic, unfortunately, restricts my everyday-life.


Nem korlátozták a létszámot, úgyhogy rengetegen voltak a koncerten.

Not limited-they the number-of-people, so-that tremendous-amount-ish were-they the concert-on.

They didn’t limit the number of visitors so there were a lot of people at the concert.


Related terms:

bezár – to shut, to lock

enged – to allow

korlát – railing, banister

korlátozott – limited, restricted

kötött – tied

lezár – to shut down

merev – rigid

szigorú – strict

tilos – forbidden, prohibited



Pronunciation of today’s word:

korlátoz – to hinder, to restrict, to limit



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

A világjárvány sajnos korlátozza a mindennapjaimat.

The pandemic unfortunately restricts-it the everyday-life-mine(acc.).

The pandemic, unfortunately, restricts my everyday-life.


Nem korlátozták a létszámot, úgyhogy rengetegen voltak a koncerten.

Not limited-they the number-of-people, so-that tremendous-amount-ish were-they the concert-on.

They didn’t limit the number of visitors so there were a lot of people.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

bezár – to shut, to lock


enged – to allow


korlát – railing, banister


korlátozott – limited, restricted


kötött – tied


lezár – to shut down


merev – rigid


szigorú – strict


tilos – forbidden, prohibited


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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1 reply

    Hello. Is it possible to increase the volume of the recorded words. I only really heard 2 words clearly today.
    Thank you.


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