
OHWAD-Basic words





to follow; also: ambassador, stone (acc.)


Example sentences:

Mindenhova követni foglak.

Everywhere-to to-follow will-I-you.

I’ll follow you everywhere.


Kevés embert követek Facebookon.

Few person(acc.) follow-I Facebook-on.

I only foll0w few people on Facebook.


Related terms:

észrevesz – to notice

észrevétlen – unnoticed

ijesztő – scary

nyom – trace

nyomoz – to trace

nyomozó – detective

talál – to find

távolság – distance

után – after


Not to be confused with:

követel – to demand

követelés – demand (n.)

következő – next

követség – embassy



Pronunciation of today’s word:

követ – to follow; also: ambassador, stone (acc.)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Mindenhova követni foglak.

Everywhere-to to-follow will-I-you.

I’ll follow you everywhere.


Kevés embert követek Facebookon.

Few person(acc.) follow-I Facebook-on.

I only foll0w few people on Facebook.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

észrevesz – to notice


észrevétlen – unnoticed


nyom – trace


nyomoz – to trace


nyomozó – detective


talál – to find


távolság – distance


után – after


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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