
OHWAD-Basic words





to protest (verbally)


Example sentences:

Az igazságtalanság ellen tiltakozni kell.

The injustice against to-protest need.

Injustice needs to be protested against.


Nem tiltakoztam, amikor végre megemelték a fizetésemet.

Not protested-I, when finally [enhancement]-raised-they the salary-my.

I didn’t protest when my salary was finally raised. (i.e. I welcomed it).


Related terms:

egyetért – to agree

enged – to allow

engedelmes – obedient

engedelmesség – obedience

engedély – permission

hozzájárul – to approve, to agree, to consent

kijárási tilalom – curfew (“prohibition to go out”)

tilt – to forbid, to prohibit

tilalom – prohibition

tiltott – forbidden, prohibited

tüntetés – political demonstration


Pronunciation of today’s word:

tiltakozik – to protest (verbally)


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Az igazságtalanság ellen tiltakozni kell.

The injustice against to-protest need.

Injustice needs to be protested against.



Nem tiltakoztam, amikor végre megemelték a fizetésemet.

Not protested-I, when finally [enhancement]-raised-they the salary-my.

I didn’t protest when my salary was finally raised. (i.e. I welcomed it).


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

egyetért – to agree


enged – to allow


engedelmes – obedient


engedelmesség – obedience


engedély – permission


hozzájárul – to approve, to agree, to consent


kijárási tilalom – curfew (“prohibition to go out”)


tilt – to forbid, to prohibit


tilalom – prohibition


tiltott – forbidden, prohibited


tüntetés – political demonstration



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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