
OHWAD-Basic words





to bear, to handle, to be able to carry


Example sentences:

Nem bírom már a bezártságot.

Not bear-it-I the entrapment.

I can’t handle being locked up anymore.


Bírod még vinni a hátizsákot?

Bear-it-you to-carry the rucksack?

Can you carry the rucksack?



Related terms:

cipel – to carry

erős – strong

képes – able

könnyű – easy, lightweight

nehéz – heavy, difficult

teher – burden

teherbíró – resilient (literally: burden-bearing)

türelem – patience

tűr – to acquiesce, to tolerate

visz – to carry (also: to bring)


Don’t confuse with:

bíró – judge


Pronunciation of today’s word:

bír – to bear, to handle, to be able to carry


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Nem bírom már a bezártságot.

Not bear-it-I the entrapment.

I can’t handle being locked up anymore.


Bírod még vinni a hátizsákot?

Bear-it-you to-carry the rucksack?

Can you carry the rucksack?


Pronunciation of the related terms:

cipel – to carry


erős – strong


képes – able


könnyű – easy, lightweight


nehéz – heavy, difficult


teher – burden


teherbíró – resilient (literally: burden-bearing)


türelem – patience


tűr – to acquiesce, to tolerate


visz – to carry (also: to bring)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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