suppression, oppression
Example sentences:
Az emberek nagy része valamilyen elnyomás alatt él.
The humans big part-theirs some-kind-of oppression under live.
A big part of humanity lives under some kind of oppression.
Az elnyomás csak rosszat tesz a társadalommal.
The oppression only bad(n., acc.) does a society-with.
Oppresion only does harm to society.
Related terms:
diktátor – dictator
diktatúra – dictatorship
gyülekezési szabadság – freedom of assembly
önkényuralom – absolute rule
sajtószabadság – freedom of press
szabad – free
szabadság – freedom
szólásszabadság – freedom of speech
üldözés – persecution
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
The humans big part-theirs some-kind-of oppression under live.
A big part of humanity lives under some kind of oppression.
The oppression only bad(n., acc.) does a society-with.
Oppresion only does harm to society.
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
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