
OHWAD-Basic words





salary, payment


Example sentences:

Ebben a hónapban még nem jött meg a fizetésem.

This-in the month-in yet not came the salary-mine.

My salary didn’t arrive yet this month.


Ausztriában jár tizenharmadik, sőt, gyakran még tizennegyedik havi fizetés is.

Austria-in due 13th, what’s-more, often even 14th month-ish salary as-well.

In Austria one receives a 13th and – what’s more – often even a 14th month’s salary.


Related terms:

bér – wage

bértárgyalás – salary negotiation

bónusz – bonus

fizetésemelés – salary rise

jövedelem – income

jutalék – commission

kereset – earnings

órabér – hourly wage

pénz – money

túlóra – overtime


Pronunciation of today’s word:

fizetés – salary, payment


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Ebben a hónapban még nem jött meg a fizetésem.

This-in the month-in yet not came the salary-mine.

My salary didn’t arrive yet this month.


Ausztriában jár tizenharmadik, sőt, gyakran még tizennegyedik havi fizetés is.

Austria-in due 13th, what’s-more, often even 14th month-ish salary as-well.

In Austria one receives a 13th and – what’s more – often even a 14th month’s salary.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

bér – wage


bértárgyalás – salary negotiation


bónusz – bonus


fizetésemelés – salary rise


jövedelem – income


jutalék – commission


kereset – earnings


órabér – hourly wage


pénz – money


túlóra – overtime


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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