
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

A magyarban az ige alakja sokszor változik.

The Hungarian-in the verb form-its many-times changes.

In Hungarian, the form of the verb changes often.


Az ige a mondatban a cselekvést vagy állapotot fejezi ki.

The verb the sentence-in the action or state-of-being expresses.

In a sentence, the verb expresses an action or a state of being.


Related terms:

állapot – state of being

cselekvés – action (also: plot (n.))

főnév – noun

főnévi igenév – infinitive

létige – verb of existence (e.g. van, nincs…)

mondat – sentence

melléknév – adjective

névmás – pronoun

nyelvtan – grammar

rag – suffix

ragoz – to conjugate

ragozás – conjugation

szófaj – part of speech

tárgy – object

tárgyrag – accusative


Pronunciation of today’s word:

ige – verb



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

A magyarban az ige alakja sokszor változik.

The Hungarian-in the verb form-its many-times changes.

In Hungarian, the form of the verb changes often.


Az ige a mondatban a cselekvést vagy állapotot fejezi ki.

The verb the sentence-in the action or state-of-being expresses.

In a sentence, the verb expresses an action or a state of being.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

állapot – state of being


cselekvés – action (also: plot (n.))


főnév – noun


főnévi igenév – infinitive


létige – verb of existence (e.g. van, nincs…)


mondat – sentence


melléknév – adjective


névmás – pronoun


nyelvtan – grammar


rag – suffix


ragoz – to conjugate


ragozás – conjugation


szófaj – part of speech


tárgy – object


tárgyrag – accusative


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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