
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

A legszebb lepke is hernyóként kezdi.

The most-beautiful butterfly too caterpillar-as starts-it.

Even the most beautiful butterfly starts out as a caterpillar.


Nézd, a mező tele van lepkével!

Look, the meadow full is butterfly-with!

Look, the meadow is full of butterflies.


Related terms:

báb – maggot

hernyó – caterpillar

ízeltlábú – arthropod

lepidopterológia – lepidopterology (the study of butterflies) – origin of the Hungarian word lepke

minta – pattern

pillangó – butterfly (synonym)

repül – to fly

rovar – insect

szárny – wing

színes – colorful



Pronunciation of today’s word:

lepke – butterfly


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

A legszebb lepke is hernyóként kezdi.

The most-beautiful butterfly too caterpillar-as starts-it.

Even the most beautiful butterfly starts out as a caterpillar.


Nézd, a mező tele van lepkével!

Look, the meadow full is butterfly-with!

Look, the meadow is full of butterflies.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

báb – maggot


hernyó – caterpillar


ízeltlábú – arthropod


lepidopterológia – lepidopterology (the study of butterflies) – Origin of the Hungarian word lepke.


minta – pattern


pillangó – butterfly (synonym)


repül – to fly


rovar – insect


szárny – wing


színes – colorful



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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