Example sentences:
Olyan makacs vagy; néha magadnak ártasz vele.
So stubborn are-you; sometimes for-you harm-you with-it.
You’re so stubborn; sometimes you’re hurting yourself.
Csak egy bizonyos szintig jó, ha makacs valaki.
Only a certain level-until good, if stubborn someone.
Being stubborn is only good to a certain level.
Related terms:
akar – to want
akarat – will (n.)
akaratos – wayward, willful
engedetlen – disobedient
keményfejű – hard-headed
önfejű – another word for wayward, willful
öntörvényű – autonomous, someone making their own rules
vélemény – opinion
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Always elsewhere is the mind-yours, if with-me talk-you.
You’re so stubborn; sometimes you’re hurting yourself.
Only a certain level-until good, if stubborn someone.
Being stubborn is only good to a certain level.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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Check literal translation of first example sentence.
Thanks Bertil, I just corrected it 🙂