
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Holnaptól minden a megszokott módon megy tovább.

Tomorrow-from everything the usual way goes further.

From tomorrow on everything will continue as usual.


Néha szeretem elhagyni a megszokott utat.

Sometimes like-it-I to-away-leave the usual way(acc.).

Sometimes I like to leave the usual way.


Related terms:

beidegződött – to have become a habit

idegen – alien, unknown

ismert – known

szokás – habit

szokik – to get used to sth.

szokatlan – unusual

vált – to shift

változatos – varied, diversified

változatosság – variety

változik – to change(passively)

változtat – to change (actively)


Pronunciation of today’s word:

megszokott – usual


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Holnaptól minden a megszokott módon megy tovább.

Tomorrow-from everything the usual way goes further.

From tomorrow on everything will continue as usual.


Néha szeretem elhagyni a megszokott utat.

Sometimes like-it-I to-away-leave the usual way(acc.).

Sometimes I like to leave the usual way.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

idegen – alien, unknown


ismert – known


szokás – habit


szokik – to get used to sth.


szokatlan – unusual


vált – to shift


változatos – varied, diversified


változatosság – variety


változik – to change(passively)


változtat – to change (actively)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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5 replies
  1. Diana says:

    Néha szeretem elhagyni a megszokott utat.

    Sometimes like-it-I to-away-leave the usual way(acc.).

    One of my grandpa’s leg is crippled since WWII.

  2. Lepke says:

    This is a test of who can remember the Hungarian for ‘One of my grandpa’s leg has been crippled since WWII.’ 🙂

  3. Liam says:

    I don’t think it has updated properly. The incorrect English translation is still there (the one referencing crippled WWII legs!).


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