
OHWAD-Basic words





in private, privately, one-to-one (literally: between four eyes)


Example sentences:

Ezt inkább négyszemközt beszéljük meg.

This(acc.) rather privately talk-shall-we through.

Let’s rather discuss this privately.


Amikor négyszemközt beszéltünk, teljesen más ember voltál.

When privately talked-we, completely different person were-you.

You were a completely different person when we talked privately.


Related terms:

diszkrét – discreet

között – between

magán- – private…

magánút – private way

magánúton – in a private way

négy – four

szem – eye

titkos – secret (adj.)

titok – secret


Pronunciation of today’s word:

négyszemközt – in private, privately, one-to-one (literally: between four eyes)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Ezt inkább négyszemközt beszéljük meg.

This(acc.) rather privately talk-shall-we through.

Let’s rather discuss this privately.


Amikor négyszemközt beszéltünk, teljesen más ember voltál.

When privately talked-we, completely different person were-you.

You were a completely different person when we talked privately.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

diszkrét – discreet


között – between


magán- – private…


magánút – private way


magánúton – in a private way


négy – four


titkos – secret (adj.)


titok – secret


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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1 reply
  1. Bastette says:

    Interesting that “közt” is an abbreviated form of “között.” I got the part about “four eyes,” but the meaning of “közt” didn’t even cross my mind.

    In English, “four eyes” is a mean nickname for someone who wears glasses. 🙁


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