
OHWAD-Basic words





priest, pastor


Example sentences:


A faluban minden vasárnap ugyanaz a pap misézik.

The village-in every Sunday the-same the pastor says-mass.

In the village the same pastor says mass.


Az esküvőn egy kedves pap vezette az szertartást.

The wedding-on a kind priest led the ceremony.

A kind priest led the ceremony of the wedding.


Related terms:

biblia – bible

buddhista – Buddhist

egyház – church (institution)

evangélikus – Lutheran

evangélium – gospel

kereszt – cross

katolikus – Catholic

ministráns – altar boy, acolyte

muszlim – Muslim

oltár – altar

papol – to preach, but in a negative, ironic sense (literally: to priest)

pápa – pope

püspök – bishop

református – Protestant

templom – church (building)



Pronunciation of today’s word:

pap – priest, pastor


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

A faluban minden vasárnap ugyanaz a pap misézik.

The village-in every Sunday the-same the pastor says-mass.

In the village the same pastor says mass.


Az esküvőn egy kedves pap vezette az szertartást.

The wedding-on a kind priest led the ceremony.

A kind priest led the ceremony of the wedding.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

biblia – bible


buddhista – Buddhist


egyház – church (institution)


evangélikus – Lutheran


evangélium – gospel


katolikus – Catholic


kereszt – cross


ministráns – altar boy, acolyte


muszlim – Muslim


oltár – altar


papol – to preach, but in a negative, ironic sense (literally: to priest)


pápa – pope


püspök – bishop


református – Protestant


templom – church (building)



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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