
OHWAD-Basic words





to order


Example sentences:

Tudod már, hogy mit szeretnél rendelni?

Know-it-you already, that what(acc.) want-would-you to-order?

Do you already know what you’d like to order? [question from a waiter/waitress]


Ezt tegnap rendeltem Amazonról.

This yesterday ordered-I Amazon-from.

I ordered this on Amazon yesterday.


Related terms:

elrendel – to enact, to order (a decree)

érkezik – to arrive

csomag – parcel, package

menü – menu

pincér – waiter

pincérnő – waitress

rendelés – order (n.)

rendelő – surgery (doctor’s office)

rendeltetés – purpose, aim, application

szállítás – shipping


Pronunciation of today’s word:

rendel – to order


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Tudod már, hogy mit szeretnél rendelni?

Know-it-you already, that what(acc.) want-would-you to-order?

Do you already know what you’d like to order? [question from a waiter/waitress]


Ezt tegnap rendeltem Amazonról.

This yesterday ordered-I Amazon-from.

I ordered this on Amazon yesterday.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

elrendel – to enact, to order (a decree)


érkezik – to arrive


csomag – parcel, package


menü – menu


pincér – waiter


pincérnő – waitress


rendelés – order (n.)


rendeltetés – purpose, aim, application


szállítás – shipping



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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