Example sentences:
Európában is van olyan ország, ahol már nem független a sajtó.
Europe-in as-well exists such country, where anymore not independent the press.
There are countries even in Europe in which the press isn’t independent anymore.
A szabad sajtó a demokrácia egyik alapja.
The free press the democracy one-of basis-its.
A free press is one of democracy’s main pillars.
Related terms:
álhír – fake news
független – independent
hír – news
hírforrás – news source
magazin – magazine
riporter – reporter
szabad sajtó – free press
tudósítás – coverage, reporting
újság – newspaper
újságírás – journalism
Not to be confused with:
sajt – cheese
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Europe-in as-well exists such country, where anymore not independent the press.
There are country’s even in Europe in which the press isn’t independent anymore.
The free press the democracy one-of basis-its.
Fire both warms and burns.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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Check translation:
A szabad sajtó a demokrácia egyik alapja.
Fire both warms and burns.