
OHWAD-Basic words





(love) affair, relationship (any)


Example sentences:

A férjemnek három éve volt egy viszonya.

The husband-my-for three year-ago was an affair-his.

Three years ago, my husband had an affair.


Te milyen viszonyban vagy Annával?

You what-kind-of relation-in are Anna-with?

What kind of relationship do you have with Anna?


Related terms:

affér – another word for affair

egymás – each other

félrelép – to cheat(in a relationship) (literally: to side-step)

ismerős – acquaintance

kapcsolat – relationship (any)

kölcsönös – mutual

köszönőviszony – bowing acquaintance

megcsal – to cheat (in a relationship)

viszonylag – relatively


Not to be confused with:

visz – to carry

viszont – Same for you!, likewise, You too!


Pronunciation of today’s word:

viszony – (love) affair, relationship (any)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A férjemnek három éve volt egy viszonya.

The husband-my-for three year-ago was an affair-his.

Three years ago, my husband had an affair.


Te milyen viszonyban vagy Annával?

You what-kind-of relation-in are Anna-with?

What kind of relationship do you have with Anna?


Pronunciation of the related terms:

affér – another word for affair


egymás – each other


félrelép – to cheat(in a relationship) (literally: to side-step)


ismerős – acquaintance


kapcsolat – relationship (any)


kölcsönös – mutual


megcsal – to cheat (in a relationship)


viszonylag – relatively


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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