
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Szerintem nem lesz elég egy szendvics egész napra.

In-my-opinion not will-be enough a sandwich whole day-onto.

I think one sandwich won’t be enough for the whole day.


Van elég pénzed mára?

Exists enough money-yours today-onto?

Do you have enough money for today?


Related terms:

elegendő – sufficient

elégedetlen – dissatisfied

elégedett – satisfied, content

eléggé – quite

elégtelen – insufficient

elégtétel – satisfaction, amends, reparation

kevés – few

sok – many

telített – saturated



Pronunciation of today’s word:

elég – enough


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Szerintem nem lesz elég egy szendvics egész napra.

In-my-opinion not will-be enough a sandwich whole day-onto.

I think one sandwich won’t be enough for the whole day.


Van elég pénzed mára?

Exists enough money-yours today-onto?

Do you have enough money for today?


Pronunciation of the related terms:


elegendő – sufficient


elégedetlen – dissatisfied


elégedett – satisfied, content


eléggé – quite


elégtelen – insufficient


elégtétel – satisfaction, amends, reparation


kevés – few


sok – many


telített – saturated


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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2 replies
  1. Joyce says:

    The word “mára” confused me! I thought it was “már” with an “a” appended to the end. I couldn’t figure out what that meant. Some kind of possessive? But how can “already” *have* something? 🙂 I looked at the literal translation next and saw that it said “today-onto.” Aha, that makes a lot more sense!


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