
OHWAD-Basic words





to freeze


Example sentences:

Amint húsz fok alá megy a hőmérő, fázok.

As-soon-as twenty degree below goes the thermometer, freeze-I.

As soon as the temperature drops below 20 I start freezing.


Nem fűtötték a termet, és mindenki fázott.

Not heated-they the room(acc.), and everybody froze.

They didn’t heat the room so everybody was freezing.


Related terms:

ősz – fall

fagy – frost

fűt – to heat

fűtés – heating (n.)

hideg – cold

hűl – to get colder

kihűl – to become cold

libabőr – goosebumps

megfagy – to freeze to death

reszket – to shiver

tél – winter



Pronunciation of today’s word:

fázik – to freeze



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Amint húsz fok alá megy a hőmérő, fázok.

As-soon-as twenty degree below goes the thermometer, freeze-I.

As soon as the temperature drops below 20 I start freezing.


Nem fűtötték a termet, és mindenki fázott.

Not heated-they the room(acc.), and everybody froze.

They didn’t heat the room so everybody was freezing.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

ősz – fall


fagy – frost


fűt – to heat


fűtés – heating (n.)


hideg – cold


hűl – to get colder


kihűl – to become cold


libabőr – goosebumps


megfagy – to freeze to death


reszket – to shiver


tél – winter


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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