
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Kés, villa, olló: Gyerek kezébe nem való.

Knife, fork, scissors: Child hand-his-hers-into not belongs.

Knife, fork, and scissors don’t belong into children’s hands. [Hungarian saying]


Milyen fura lenne kés helyett ollóval vágni a kenyeret.

How weird it-would-be knife instead-of scissors-with to-cut the bread(acc.).

How weird it’d be to cut bread with scissors instead of a knife.


Related terms:

éles – sharp

fen – to grind

késdobáló – a run-down, dodgy bar or pub (literally: knife-thrower)

késel – to stab sb. to death

olló – scissor

szeletel – to slice

tompa – dull

vág – to cut

vágódeszka – cutting board

villa – fork


Not to be confused with:

kész – ready, finished


Pronunciation of today’s word:

kés – knife


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Kés, villa, olló: Gyerek kezébe nem való.

Knife, fork, scissors: Child hand-his-hers-into not belongs.

Knife, fork, and scissors don’t belong into children’s hands. [Hungarian saying]


Milyen fura lenne kés helyett ollóval vágni a kenyeret.

How weird it-would-be knife instead-of scissors-with to-cut the bread(acc.).

How weird it’d be to cut bread with scissors instead of a knife.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

éles – sharp


fen – to grind


késdobáló – a run-down, dodgy bar or pub (literally: knife-thrower)


késel – to stab sb. to death


olló – scissor


szeletel – to slice


tompa – dull


vág – to cut


vágódeszka – cutting board


villa – fork



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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