to catch a cold
Example sentences:
Did you catch a cold? – A typical example for a Hungarian one-word-sentence.
Vegyél sapkát, különben megfázol.
Wear-you hat(acc.), otherwise catch-you-a-cold.
Wear a hat; you’ll catch a cold otherwise.
Related terms:
fázik – to be cold, to freeze
hideg – cold (adj.)
influenza – flu
köhög – to cough
láz – fever
megfagy – to freeze (congeal), to freeze to death
megfázás – cold (n.; disease)
orrot fúj – to blow one’s nose
torokfájás – sore throat (n.)
tüsszent – to sneeze
zsebkendő – tissue, handkerchief
zsepi – colloq. abbrev. of zsebkendő ~hanky
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Did you catch a cold? – A typical example for a Hungarian one-word-sentence.
Wear-you hat(acc.), otherwise catch-you-a-cold.
Wear a hat; you’ll catch a cold otherwise.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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Plus the cute tüsszög – to keep sneezing.