
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Olyan önző vagy, mindig csak magadra gondolsz.

So selfish are-you, always only yourself-onto think-you.

You’re so selfish, you always think only about yourself.


Néha önzőnek kell lenni az életben.

Sometimes selfish-for need to-be the life-in.

Sometimes, one needs to be selfish in life.


Related terms:

arrogáns – arrogant

beképzelt – smug

együttérzés – empathy

empátia – empathy

érdek – stake, interest

hiú – vain

önzetlen – selfless, altruistic

ön- – self-

tekintettel van valakire/valamire – to be considerate of so./sth.


Pronunciation of today’s word:

önző – selfish


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Olyan önző vagy, mindig csak magadra gondolsz.

So selfish are-you, always only yourself-onto think-you.

You’re so selfish, you always think only about yourself.


Néha önzőnek kell lenni az életben.

Sometimes selfish-for need to-be the life-in.

Sometimes, one needs to be selfish in life.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

arrogáns – arrogant


beképzelt – smug


együttérzés – empathy


empátia – empathy


érdek – stake, interest


hiú – vain


önzetlen – selfless, altruistic


ön- – self-


tekintettel van valakire/valamire – to be considerate of so./sth.


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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