
OHWAD-Basic words





somewhere (static)


Note there are two words for somewhere in Hungarian: a static and a dynamic version (valahol & valahova). We use the static version when we don’t want to indicate movement (e.g. I’m standing somewhere. – Állok valahol.) and the dynamic version when we want to express movement (e.g. I’m going somewhere. – Megyek valahova.)




Example sentences:

Valahol elvesztettem magamat.

Somewhere lost-it-I myself(acc.).

Somewhere, I lost myself.


Valahol mindig süt a nap.

Somewhere always shines the sun.

The sun always shines somewhere.


Related terms:

ahol – where (answer word to hol?) (static)

ahova – where (answer word to hova?) (dynamic)

bárhol – anywhere (static)

bárhova – to anywhere (dynamic)

hol – where (question word) (static)

hova – where (question word) (dynamic)

itt – here

ott – there

sehol – nowhere

sehova – to nowhere

valaha – at some point in the past

valahány – an uncertain/undefined amount

valahogy – somehow

valahova – to somewhere (dynamic)

valaki – someone

valamerre – in some direction

valami – something

valamikor – at some time


Pronunciation of today’s word:

valahol – somewhere (static)


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Valahol elvesztettem magamat.

Somewhere lost-it-I myself(acc.).

Somewhere, I lost myself.


Valahol mindig süt a nap.

Somewhere always shines the sun.

The sun always shines somewhere.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

ahol – where (answer word to hol?) (static)


ahova – where (answer word to hova?) (dynamic)


bárhol – anywhere (static)


bárhova – to anywhere (dynamic)


hol – where (question word) (static)


hova – where (question word) (dynamic)


itt – here


ott – there


sehol – nowhere


sehova – to nowhere


valaha – at some point in the past


valahány – an uncertain/undefined amount


valahogy – somehow


valahova – to somewhere (dynamic)


valaki – someone


valamerre – in some direction


valami – something


valamikor – at some time


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments Remember: the more you use a new word, the easier it’ll stick!


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