
OHWAD-Basic words





to chew


Example sentences:

Az a jó az avokádóban, hogy nem kell rágni.

That the good the avocado-in, that not needed to-chew.

The good thing about avocado is you don’t have to chew it.


Rágd el a kaját, mielőtt lenyeled!

Chew-it-you away the food(acc.), what-before swallow-it-you.

Chew the food before you swallow it.


Related terms:

eszik – to eat

fog – tooth

harap – to bite

íny – gum (in mouth)

nyel – to swallow

rágalmaz – to slander

rágalom – slander (n.), defamation

rágó – chewing gum (abbrev. of rágógumi)

rágódik – to ruminate

rágógumi – chewing gum

száj – mouth


Not to be confused with:

rag – a certain type of suffix



Pronunciation of today’s word:

rág – to chew



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Az a jó az avokádóban, hogy nem kell rágni.

That the good the avocado-in, that not needed to-chew.

The good thing about avocado is you don’t have to chew it.


Rágd el a kaját, mielőtt lenyeled!

Chew-it-you away the food(acc.), what-before swallow-it-you.

Chew the food before you swallow it.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

eszik – to eat


fog – tooth


harap – to bite


íny – gum (in mouth)


nyel – to swallow


rágalmaz – to slander


rágalom – slander (n.), defamation


rágó – chewing gum (abbrev. of rágógumi)


rágódik – to ruminate


rágógumi – chewing gum


száj – mouth


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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