
OHWAD-Basic words





eye, also: grain


Example sentences:

Majdnem minden baba kék szemmel születik.

Almost every baby blue eye-with gets-born.

Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.


Az a szép, akinek a szeme kék.

That the pretty(n.), who-for the eye-his/hers blue.

Those are pretty who have blue eyes. [famous Hungarian folk song – you can listen to it on Spotify or YouTube.]


Related terms:

arc – face

barna – brown

érzékszerv – sense organ

fül – ear

homlok – forehead

lát – to see

kék – blue

orr – nose

néz – to watch

pupilla – pupil

szemöldök – eyebrow

szempilla – eyelash

száj – mouth

zöld – green



Pronunciation of today’s word:

szem – eye (also: grain)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Majdnem minden baba kék szemmel születik.

Almost every baby blue eye-with gets-born.

Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.


Az a szép, akinek a szeme kék.

That the pretty(n.), who-for the eye-his/hers blue.

Those are pretty who have blue eyes. [famous Hungarian folk song – you can listen to it on Spotify or YouTube.]


Pronunciation of the related terms:

arc – face


barna – brown


érzékszerv – sense organ


fül – ear


homlok – forehead


lát – to see


kék – blue


orr – nose


néz – to watch


pupilla – pupil


szemöldök – eyebrow


szempilla – eyelash


száj – mouth


zöld – green


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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