
OHWAD-Basic words





garbage, waste (n.), also used for bin


also: adj. used for someone who is mean, nasty, malicious (slang)




Example sentences:

Szombat és vasárnap reggel néha nagyon sok szemét van Budapest utcáin.

Saturday and Sunday morning sometimes very much garbage(acc.) exists Budapest streets-its-on.

On Saturday and Sunday mornings sometimes there is a lot of garbage on Budapest’s streets.


Anna annyira szemét; állandóan kihasználja az embereket.

Anna so-much malicious; constantly takes-advantage-of the people(acc.).

Anna is so malicious; she constantly takes advantage of people.


Related terms:


hulladék – another (more official) word for garbage

kosz, mocsok – dirt

kidob – to throw out (into the bin)

kuka – bin

műanyag – plastic

pazarol – to waste

szelektív hulladékgyűjtés – waste separation

szemetel – to throw garbage somewhere where it doesn’t belong (the street, etc.)

szemetes – another word for bin



bánt valakit – to hurt someone

gonosz – evil

rosszindulatú – adj. for someone with bad intentions


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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