chick, fashionable, trendy, elegant (mostly used for girls / women!)
Example sentences:
Nagyon csinos vagy ma; honnan van a ruhád?
Very trendy are-you today; where-from is the dress-yours?
You look really trendy today; where did you get that dress?
Csinosan öltözzek, vagy elég egy farmer?
Elegantly dress-should-I, or enough a jeans?
Should I dress elegantly or are jeans sufficient?
Related terms:
csini – colloq. abbreviation of csinos
csinibaba – colloq. term for a very girly, dolly girl who puts a big emphasis on fashion and dressing up
divat – fashion, trend
elegáns – elegant
fess – similar to “csinos”, but used for both genders
kosztüm – female suit
öltöny – suit
öltözködés – the way how someone dresses
ruha – dress, clothing
smink – make-up
tetszik – to be likeable
trendi – fashionable (colloq.)
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