
OHWAD-Basic words





to fight


Example sentences:

A nagyszüleimmel állandóan politikáról kell veszekedni.

The grandparents-my-with constantly politics-about needs to-fight.

I constantly have to fight about politics with my grandparents.


Az, hogy veszekszünk, még nem jelenti a kapcsolat végét.

That, that fight-we, yet not means the relationship end-its(acc.).

That we’re fighting doesn’t yet mean the end of the relationship.


Related terms:

hangos – loud

kiabál – to yell

kibékül – to make up, to become reconciled

kötözködik – to pick a fight

kritizál – to criticize

sír – to cry

üvölt – to yell (stronger than kiabál)

veszekedés – fight (n.)

vita – argument (exchange)

vitatkozik – to argue



Pronunciation of today’s word:

veszekszik – to fight



Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A nagyszüleimmel állandóan politikáról kell veszekedni.

The grandparents-my-with constantly politics-about needs to-fight.

I constantly have to fight about politics with my grandparents.


Az, hogy veszekszünk, még nem jelenti a kapcsolat végét.

That, that fight-we, yet not means the relationship end-its(acc.).

That we’re fighting doesn’t yet mean the end of the relationship.



Pronunciation of the related terms:


hangos – loud


kiabál – to yell


kibékül – to make up, to become reconciled


kötözködik – to pick a fight


kritizál – to criticize


sír – to cry


üvölt – to yell (stronger than kiabál)


veszekedés – fight (n.)


vita – argument (exchange)


vitatkozik – to argue


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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1 reply
  1. Kornélia says:

    I disagree that veszekszik means to fight. It is closer in meaning to vehemently argue. Fight implies physicality. Are you saying that veszekszik necessarily includes a physical aspect to the disagreement?


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