
OHWAD-Basic words





customer, buyer




Example sentences:

Húsz éves garancia jár a vevőinknek.

Our customers get a warranty of 20 years.

[Twenty year-y warranty is-due-to the customers-ours.]


Vevőként elvárom, hogy normálisan kezeljenek.

As a customer I expect to be treated appropriately.

[Customer-as expect-I, that normally handle-they-me.]



Related terms:

bolt – shop

eladó – seller / vendor

ügyfél – another word for customer

vásárló – another word for buyer

vásárol – to buy

vesz – to buy, to take (root of “vevő”)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!




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