shadow (n.)
Example sentences:
Ahol sok a fény, ott sok árnyék is van.
Where much the light, there much shadow too is.
Where there’s a lot of light there are also lots of shadows.
A kutyám fél a saját árnyékától is.
The dog-mine is-afraid the own shadow-his-from even.
My dog’s even afraid of its own shadow.
Related terms:
árnyékol – to shadow
árnyékos – shady
árnyékot vet – to shadow, to cast a shadow
fény – light
fényforrás – illuminant, light source
fénysugár – ray of light
hűvös – chilly, cool
megvilágít – to illuminate
nap – sun
világít – to give light
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Where much the light, there much shadow too is.
Where there’s a lot of light there are also lots of shadows.
The dog-mine is-afraid the own shadow-his-from even.
My dog’s even afraid of its own shadow.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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