
OHWAD-Basic words





to cook


Example sentences:

Főzni mindenki tud, de sütni már nehezebb.

To-cook everyone can, but to-bake already harder.

Everyone can cook but baking is more difficult.


Próbálok minden nap főzni, de nagyon sok idő.

Try-I every day to-cook, but very much time.

I try cooking every day, but it takes a lot of time.


Related terms:

ebéd – lunch

étterem – restaurant

forró – hot

lábas – pot

leves – soup

menza – canteen

olaj – oil

süt – to bake

szakács – cook (n.)

tepsi – pan

tészta – pasta, noodles

túlfőz – to overcook

vacsora – dinner

zöldség – vegetable


Additional Material for our Supporters:


Pronunciation of today’s word:

főz – to cook


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Főzni mindenki tud, de sütni már nehezebb.

To-cook everyone can, but to-bake already harder.

Everyone can cook but baking is more difficult.


Próbálok minden nap főzni, de nagyon sok idő.

Try-I every day to-cook, but very much time.

I try cooking every day, but it takes a lot of time.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

ebéd – lunch


étterem – restaurant


forró – hot


lábas – pot


leves – soup


menza – canteen


olaj – oil


süt – to bake


szakács – cook (n.)


tepsi – pan


tészta – pasta, noodles


túlfőz – to overcook


vacsora – dinner


zöldség – vegetable


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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