(baking) heat (only weather-related)
Example sentences:
Csak a strandon esik jól egy kis kánikula.
A little of baking heat is nice, but only on the beach.
[Only the beach-on falls good a little baking-heat.]
A kánikula akár veszélyes is lehet, főleg idősebbeknek.
Baking heat can be dangerous, especially for the elderly.
[The baking-heat even dangerous also can-be, especially elderlies-for.]
Related terms:
forróság – synonym to “kánikula” (heat (n.))
fok – degree
nap – sun
naptej / napolaj – sun milk
napernyő – sunshade / parasol
klíma – aircon / AC
Not to be confused with:
kula (vulg.) – shit
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