Memory hook:
I will KEEP that picture.
Example sentences:
Soha nem fakul a kép, amíg összeköt az emlék.
The picture will never fade, as long as the memory connects us.
[Never not fade the picture, as-long connect the memory.]
Mielőtt végleg elmegyek, kapsz egy képet rólam. Ha hiányzom, ezt mindig nézheted; szét is tépheted.
Before I leave for good, I’ll leave you a picture of me. You can look at it any time you miss me, or you can tear it apart.
[Before for-good away-go-I, get-you a picture(acc.) of-me. If missing-I, this always look-can-you; apart also tear-can you.]
Songtext of iconic song“Mielőtt elmegyek” by monumental Hungarian band Bikini.
For more Hungarian songs and band check out our Ultimate Guide to the Hungarian Music Scene.
Related terms:
festmény – painting
művészet – art
rajz – drawing
fotó – photograph
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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