
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Pontosan nem tudom ezt megmondani, csak körülbelül.

Exactly not can-it-I this to-say, only roughly.

I cannot tell you this exactly, only roughly.


-Harminckét éves leszel idén, ugye? -Pontosan!

-32 year-ish will-you-be this-year, right? -Exactly!

” You’ll turn 32 this year, right?” – “Exactly!”


Related terms:

gondos – attentive, thoughtful, mindful

hibátlan – sound, accurate, flawless

kb. (spoken: kábé) – abbrev. of körülbelül

körülbelül – roughly, more or less, circa

majdnem – almost

pont – point, dot

pontatlan – inaccurate

pontos – exact, accurate, on time

precíz – precise

többé-kevésbé – more or less




Pronunciation of today’s word:

pontosan – exactly


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Pontosan nem tudom ezt megmondani, csak körülbelül.

Exactly not can-it-I this to-say, only roughly.

I cannot tell you this exactly, only roughly.


-Harminckét éves leszel idén, ugye? -Pontosan!

-32 year-ish will-you-be this-year, right? -Exactly!

” You’ll turn 32 this year, right?” – “Exactly!”


Pronunciation of the related terms:

gondos – attentive, thoughtful, mindful


hibátlan – sound, accurate, flawless


kb. (spoken: kábé) – abbrev. of körülbelül


körülbelül – roughly, more or less, circa


majdnem – almost


pont – point, dot


pontatlan – inaccurate


pontos – exact, accurate, on time


precíz – precise


többé-kevésbé – more or less


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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