stupid (colloq.)
Memory hook:
This SOT looks a bit dark.
Example sentences:
Sötét vagy, mint az éjszaka.
You’re as dark as the night. (I.e. you are really stupid.)
[Dark you-are, like the night.]
Szerencsére nyáron sokkal később sötétedik, mint télen.
Luckily, in the summer it gets dark only much later than in winter.
[Luck-on summer-on much-with later get-dark, than winter-on.]
Related terms:
éjjel / éjszaka – night
sötétség – darkness
sötétedik – to be getting dark
világos – bright
világosság – brightness
világosodik – to dawn
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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