
OHWAD-Basic words





average (adj.), okay


Example sentences:

Ebben az étteremben átlagos a kaja.

This the restaurant-in average the food.

The food’s average in this restaurant.


Na, milyen volt a szilveszter? -Átlagos.

So what-kind was the New-Year’s-Eve? -Average.

So how was NYE? -It was okay.


Related terms:

átlag – average (n.)

átlagol – to calculate the average

átlagosan – on average

átlagember – everyman

átlagon aluli – below average

átlagon felüli – above average

kiszámol – to calculate

középérték – mean, average value

mennyiség – amount

oszt – to divide

számol – to count


Pronunciation of today’s word:

átlagos – average (adj.), okay


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Ebben az étteremben átlagos a kaja.

This the restaurant-in average the food.

The food’s average in this restaurant.


Na, milyen volt a szilveszter? -Átlagos.

So what-kind was the New-Year’s-Eve? -Average.

So how was NYE? -It was okay.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

átlag – average (n.)


átlagol – to calculate the average


átlagosan – on average


átlagember – everyman


átlagon aluli – below average


átlagon felüli – above average


kiszámol – to calculate


középérték – mean, average value


mennyiség – amount


oszt – to divide


számol – to count


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