
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Mától nem érvényes a bérletem, úgyhogy újat kell vennem.

Today-from not valid the pass-mine, so-that new(acc.) need to-buy-shall-I.

My pass (i.e. seasonal ticket e.g. for public transport) isn’t valid anymore from today onwards, so I need to buy a new one.


A szerződés mindkét félre érvényes.

The contract both party-onto valid.

The contract is valid for both parties.


Related terms:

elfogad – to accept

elfogadott – accepted (adj.)

érvénytelen – invalid, void

igaz – true

jegy – ticket

helyes – right, correct

lejár – to expire

szabály – rule

szabályos – regular (i.e. in accordance with the rules)


Pronunciation of today’s word:

érvényes – valid


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Mától nem érvényes a bérletem, úgyhogy újat kell vennem.

Today-from not valid the pass-mine, so-that new(acc.) need to-buy-shall-I.

My pass (i.e. seasonal ticket e.g. for public transport) isn’t valid anymore from today onwards, so I need to buy a new one.


A szerződés mindkét félre érvényes.

The contract both party-onto valid.

The contract is valid for both parties.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

elfogad – to accept


elfogadott – accepted (adj.)


érvénytelen – invalid, void


igaz – true


jegy – ticket


helyes – right, correct


lejár – to expire


szabály – rule


szabályos – regular (i.e. in accordance with the rules)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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