
OHWAD-Basic words





to take shape, to evolve


Example sentences:

Alakul a diplomamunkám.

Taking-shape the diploma-thesis-mine.

My diploma thesis is taking shape.


Mostanában jól alakulnak a dolgok.

Nowadays well evolve-they the things.

Things are evolving (i.e. going) well nowadays.


Related terms:

alak – shape, form

alakít – to shape

alaktalan – amorphous

épít – to build

épül – to be in the building process

fejlődik – to evolve, to develop

forma – form

formál – to form, to shape

formálódik – to be forming, to be taking shape

kialakul – to emerge, to evolve

változás – change (n.)

változik – to be changing

változtat – to change



Pronunciation of today’s word:

alakul – to take shape, to evolve



Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Alakul a diplomamunkám.

Taking-shape the diploma-thesis-mine.

My diploma thesis is taking shape.


Mostanában jól alakulnak a dolgok.

Nowadays well evolve-they the things.

Things are evolving (i.e. going) well nowadays.



Pronunciation of the related terms:

alak – shape, form


alakít – to shape


alaktalan – amorphous


épít – to build


épül – to be in the building process


forma – form


formál – to form, to shape


formálódik – to be forming, to be taking shape


kialakul – to emerge, to evolve


változás – change (n.)


változik – to be changing


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változtat – to change


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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